How to Build Your Own Day Trading Indicators

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Dan Buckley
Dan Buckley is an US-based trader, consultant, and part-time writer with a background in macroeconomics and mathematical finance. He trades and writes about a variety of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, commodities, currencies, and interest rates. As a writer, his goal is to explain trading and finance concepts in levels of detail that could appeal to a range of audiences, from novice traders to those with more experienced backgrounds.

In trading, there are numerous indicators available, but building your own can give you a unique edge

Custom indicators tailored to your trading style can help you spot opportunities that others might miss. 

This guide will walk you through the steps to create your own day trading indicators.


Key Takeaways – How to Build Your Own Day Trading Indicators

  • Define Objective – Determine your trading style and goal for the indicator.
  • Choose Platform & Tools – Select platforms like MetaTrader or TradingView (among others), and learn their scripting languages.
  • Select Data & Functions – Choose input data (e.g., price, volume) and math functions (e.g., moving averages).
  • Code the Indicator – Write code using your platform’s editor, and handle errors.
  • Backtest – Test on historical data to refine accuracy.
  • Optimize – Adjust parameters, combine with other indicators, and adapt to market changes.
  • We give two examples in this article.


Why Create Your Own Indicators?

In terms of market returns, there’s: 

  • Beta, which can be captured through passive indexing, and
  • Alpha, which is zero-sum and involves doing things differently from the consensus (and being right)

Ultimately, if you want to outperform a representative index, you’ll need to do things differently.

This means you need an advantage in some way.

This could be informational, analytical, or technological.

And this is where custom indicators can come into play.


Understanding the Basics of Trading Indicators

Let’s first cover what trading indicators are and how they function.

What Are Trading Indicators?

Trading indicators are mathematical calculations based on the price, volume, or open interest of a security. 

Traders use these indicators to predict future price movements and identify trading opportunities.

Types of Trading Indicators

There are two main types of trading indicators:

  • Leading Indicators – These attempt to predict future price movements.
  • Lagging Indicators – These provide signals based on historical data, often confirming trends. Moving averages are the most popular example of lagging indicators.

Understanding the difference helps you decide which type suits your trading strategy.


Setting Clear Objectives

Before creating an indicator, you need a clear goal.

Define Your Trading Style

Are you a scalper looking for quick profits, or do you prefer longer intraday positions? 

Or do you prefer holding over multiple days?

Your trading style and your goals will influence the kind of indicator you need.

Identify Market Conditions

Determine whether you want an indicator that works best in trending markets, ranging markets, or both. 


Gathering Necessary Platforms and Resources

Creating a trading indicator requires specific tools and resources.

Choose a Trading Platform

Select a platform that allows custom indicator creation, such as:

  • MetaTrader 4/5
  • TradingView
  • NinjaTrader
  • QuantConnect

Each platform has its own programming language and capabilities.

Familiarize Yourself with Programming Languages

Most platforms use their own scripting languages:

  • MetaTrader uses MQL4/MQL5
  • TradingView uses Pine Script
  • NinjaTrader uses C#
  • QuantConnect uses C# and Python

Basic programming knowledge is important to code your indicator.


Designing Your Indicator

Now, it’s time to conceptualize your indicator.

Select Input Data

Decide what data your indicator will use:

  • Price Data – Open, high, low, close prices.
  • Volume Data – Trading volume over time.
  • Time Data – Specific time intervals.

Choosing the right data is important for accuracy.

Determine Mathematical Functions

Define the mathematical calculations your indicator will perform.

Common functions include:

Combining these can create more complex or unique indicators.

Plan the Visual Representation

Decide how your indicator will display on the chart:

  • Overlay – Plotted directly on the price chart.
  • Separate Window – Displayed in a different panel below the price chart.

Overlay is common for things like moving averages whereas oscillators are typically displayed below the price chart.

Visualization affects how easily you can interpret signals.


Coding Your Indicator

With a plan in place, you can start coding.

Set Up the Development Environment

Most platforms offer an integrated development environment (IDE) for coding.

For example:

  • MetaEditor for MetaTrader
  • Pine Editor for TradingView

These tools provide syntax highlighting and debugging features.

You can also try things out in non-trading IDEs like VSCode.

Write the Code

Begin coding by:

  • Defining Variables – Set up input parameters and variables.
  • Calculations – Translate your mathematical functions into code.
  • Handling Errors – Include error checking to prevent crashes.

Write comments in your code to explain each section for future reference.

Test the Code

Compile your code and fix any errors that arise.

Use the platform’s debugging tools to identify and resolve issues.


Backtesting the Indicator

Testing your indicator on historical data is important so it’s actually proven.

Apply to Historical Data

Use the platform’s backtesting feature to apply your indicator to past market data. 

This process helps you see how it would have performed.

Analyze Performance

Look for:

  • Signal Accuracy – How often did the indicator correctly predict price movements?
  • Drawdowns – Identify periods where the indicator gave false signals.
  • Consistency – You want the indicator to perform well across different market environments. The logically should be applied systematically.

Make notes on any patterns or anomalies you observe.


Refining Your Indicator

Based on your backtesting results, refine your indicator for better performance.

Adjust Parameters

Fine-tuning parameters can significantly improve accuracy.

Modify input variables to see how changes affect performance. 

This could include:

  • Time Periods – Changing the number of periods used in calculations.
  • Threshold Values – Adjusting levels that trigger buy or sell signals.

Combine with Other Indicators

Sometimes, combining your indicator with existing ones can improve its effectiveness.

  • Confirm Signals – Use another indicator to confirm your custom indicator’s signals.
  • Filter Noise – Reduce false signals by adding filters.

Be sure that the combination aligns with your trading strategy.


Using the Indicator in Live Trading

After refining, you’re ready to use your indicator in real-time trading.

Start with a Demo Account

Test your indicator in a risk-free environment first. 

This step allows you to:

  • Observe Live Performance – See how it behaves in current markets.
  • Build Confidence – Gain trust in your indicator before risking real money.
  • Make Any Changes – If it’s performing suboptimally, figure the root cause.

Demo trading helps bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Gradual Transition to Live Trading

Begin using your indicator in live trading with small position sizes

Monitor its performance and make adjustments as needed.


Monitoring and Ongoing Optimization

Markets evolve, and your indicator may need to as well, accordingly.

Regular Performance Reviews

Set intervals to review your indicator’s performance, such as monthly or quarterly.

But really any time you have something that has proven to work but starts to perform suboptimally.

  • Track Metrics – Keep records of wins, losses, and profitability.
  • Identify Changes – Look for shifts in market behavior that affect your indicator.

Update and Adapt

Be prepared to tweak your indicator to adapt to new market conditions.

  • Algorithm Adjustments – Modify calculations if they no longer yield accurate signals.
  • Incorporate Feedback – Use insights from your trading experience to improve the indicator.
  • Iterate – Try new things that seem like they could logically work.


Sharing and Collaboration

Consider sharing your indicator with the trading community.

Other traders can provide insights.

Let’s get into some examples.

Examples of Combining Multiple Indicators into a Customized Indicator

As covered, creating custom trading indicators by combining multiple existing ones can provide more nuanced signals – and potentially improve trading strategies.

Below are two Python examples that demonstrate how to combine multiple indicators into a single customized indicator, along with explanations of the logic behind them.

The first example integrates momentum and trend to filter out false signals.

The second combines momentum and volatility to identify potential breakouts.

These are examples for educational purposes.

Be sure to backtest any custom indicators thoroughly to understand their effectiveness in different market environments.

Example 1: Combining RSI and Moving Average for a Momentum Indicator

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements, oscillating between 0 and 100. 

A value above 70 typically indicates an overbought condition, while a value below 30 indicates an oversold condition.

A Moving Average (MA), such as the Simple Moving Average (SMA), smooths out price data by calculating the average price over a specific number of periods.

Combining RSI and MA looks to create a momentum indicator that not only considers price momentum but also overall trend direction. 

This can help filter out false signals that might occur when using RSI alone.

Python Code


import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import yfinance as yf

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Fetch historical data

ticker = 'AAPL'

data =, period='6mo', interval='1d')


# Calculate RSI

def calculate_RSI(data, period=14):



    gain=np.where(delta>0, delta, 0)

    loss=np.where(delta<0, -delta, 0)




    RSI=100- (100/ (1+RS))

    RSI.index=data.index[-len(RSI):] # Align the index


data['RSI'] = calculate_RSI(data)

# Calculate Moving Average

data['MA'] = data['Close'].rolling(window=14).mean()

# Create the Custom Indicator

# If RSI is below 30 (oversold) and price is above MA (uptrend), generate a buy signal

# If RSI is above 70 (overbought) and price is below MA (downtrend), generate a sell signal

def custom_indicator(row):

    ifrow['RSI'] <30androw['Close'] >row['MA']:


    elifrow['RSI'] >70androw['Close'] <row['MA']:




data['Signal'] = data.apply(custom_indicator, axis=1)

# Display the last few rows

print(data[['Close', 'RSI', 'MA', 'Signal']].tail())

# Plot



plt.plot(data['Close'], label='Close Price')

plt.plot(data['MA'], label='14-day MA', linestyle='--')

plt.title('Close Price and Moving Average')



plt.plot(data['RSI'], label='RSI', color='orange')

plt.axhline(30, linestyle='--', color='green')

plt.axhline(70, linestyle='--', color='red')

plt.title('Relative Strength Index (RSI)')



signals = data != 'Hold']

plt.plot(data['Close'], label='Close Price', alpha=0.5)

plt.scatter(signals.index, signals['Close'], c=signals['Signal'].map({'Buy': 'green', 'Sell': 'red'}), label='Signal', marker='o')

plt.title('Buy and Sell Signals')





  • RSI Calculation – We calculate the RSI using the standard 14-day period to measure momentum.
  • Moving Average Calculation – A 14-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) is computed to identify the trend.
  • Custom Indicator Logic
    • Buy Signal – When RSI indicates oversold conditions (RSI < 30) and the price is above the moving average (Close > MA), suggesting an uptrend.
    • Sell Signal – When RSI indicates overbought conditions (RSI > 70) and the price is below the moving average (Close < MA) – suggesting a downtrend.
    • Hold – In all other cases, no action is taken.

This combination helps filter RSI signals by the prevailing trend, reducing false signals during volatile or sideways markets.

Example 2: Combining MACD and Bollinger Bands for a Volatility Indicator

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a security’s price. 

It’s calculated by subtracting the 26-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from the 12-period EMA.

Bollinger Bands consist of a moving average and two standard deviations (positive and negative) away from the moving average. 

They’re used to measure market volatility.

Combining MACD and Bollinger Bands helps create a custom indicator that considers both momentum and volatility. 

This can help identify potential breakout situations.

Python Code


import pandas as pd

import yfinance as yf

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Fetch historical data

ticker = 'AAPL'

data =, period='6mo', interval='1d')


# Calculate MACD

data['EMA12'] = data['Close'].ewm(span=12, adjust=False).mean()

data['EMA26'] = data['Close'].ewm(span=26, adjust=False).mean()

data['MACD'] = data['EMA12'] - data['EMA26']

data['Signal_Line'] = data['MACD'].ewm(span=9, adjust=False).mean()

# Calculate Bollinger Bands

data['Middle_Band'] = data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean()

data['Std_Dev'] = data['Close'].rolling(window=20).std()

data['Upper_Band'] = data['Middle_Band'] + (data['Std_Dev'] * 2)

data['Lower_Band'] = data['Middle_Band'] - (data['Std_Dev'] * 2)

# Create the Custom Indicator

# Generate a buy signal when MACD crosses above the signal line and the price closes above the upper Bollinger Band

# Generate a sell signal when MACD crosses below the signal line and the price closes below the lower Bollinger Band

def custom_indicator(row):

    ifrow['MACD'] >row['Signal_Line'] androw['Close'] >row['Upper_Band']:


    elifrow['MACD'] <row['Signal_Line'] androw['Close'] <row['Lower_Band']:




data['Signal'] = data.apply(custom_indicator, axis=1)

# Display the last few rows

print(data[['Close', 'MACD', 'Signal_Line', 'Upper_Band', 'Lower_Band', 'Signal']].tail())

# Plotting



plt.plot(data['Close'], label='Close Price')

plt.plot(data['Upper_Band'], label='Upper Band', linestyle='--')

plt.plot(data['Middle_Band'], label='Middle Band', linestyle='--')

plt.plot(data['Lower_Band'], label='Lower Band', linestyle='--')

plt.title('Close Price and Bollinger Bands')



plt.plot(data['MACD'], label='MACD', color='blue')

plt.plot(data['Signal_Line'], label='Signal Line', color='red')

plt.title('MACD and Signal Line')



signals = data != 'Hold']

plt.plot(data['Close'], label='Close Price', alpha=0.5)

plt.scatter(signals.index, signals['Close'], c=signals['Signal'].map({'Buy': 'green', 'Sell': 'red'}), label='Signal', marker='o')

plt.title('Buy and Sell Signals')





  • MACD Calculation – We calculate the MACD line and its signal line using standard EMA periods.
  • Bollinger Bands Calculation – Using a 20-day period and 2 standard deviations to calculate the upper and lower bands.
  • Custom Indicator Logic
    • Buy Signal – When the MACD line crosses above the signal line (MACD > Signal_Line), indicating upward momentum, and the price closes above the upper Bollinger Band (Close > Upper_Band), suggesting a volatility breakout to the upside.
    • Sell Signal – When the MACD line crosses below the signal line (MACD < Signal_Line), indicating downward momentum, and the price closes below the lower Bollinger Band (Close < Lower_Band) (i.e., suggesting a downside volatility breakout)
    • Hold – In all other cases, no action is taken.

This custom indicator tries to capture material price movements by confirming momentum with MACD and volatility with Bollinger Bands.



Building your own day trading indicator is a rewarding pursuit that can help establish or sharpen your trading edge. 

Following these steps – understanding the basics, setting clear objectives, gathering necessary platforms and resources, designing, coding, testing, refining, implementing, and continuously optimizing – you can create an indicator tailored to your unique trading style.