
Investor Clay Huber’s platform provides users with online courses designed to share the knowledge that allowed Huber to become his own boss and earn what he describes as ‘ultimate wealth’ through day trading. This guide will explain background information on Clay Huber and review everything his course has to offer, with a lowdown on the pros and cons of the ClayTrader platform. We also list popular alternatives to ClayTrader.
ClayTrader’s courses and training materials are expensive.
Instead, we recommend using:
– Brokers with the best educational content
What Is ClayTrader?
Clay Trader is a persona built by Clay Huber on various social media sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, to market his educational services on his website.
A bit of an enigma, Clay is private about his personal life and background, only stating that he is a husband and father outside of his investing and educator profession.
After graduating from Ohio State University, he became a full-time day trader and began blogging and sharing his tips on how to make money intraday trading to 500,000 subscribers on YouTube since 2013.
Products & Services
ClayTrader teaches users technical analysis and how to manage trading expectations through courses, webinars, and an online community. The Trading Freedom Pathway provides users with access to all his courses, as well as webinars, his investing diary, and the option to book 1–1 coaching.
Online Courses
ClayTrader offers a total of 14 courses for download, including 5 core courses which build on one another. Each class contains a varied number of videos that can range from 10-30-50 minutes in runtime. Some of these courses have additional resources such as PDFs that are available for download for free.
The core courses are:
- Robotic Trading; Terminate Your Emotions: This course is advertised as building a strong foundation for technical analysis by eliminating your emotions and striving to read charts with clarity. ClayTrader uses stocks as an example, but the skills learnt can be applied to options, futures, and cryptocurrency.
- Robotic Trading; Skill Sharpening: Building from the previous Robotic Trading course, this class focuses on practising the skills learnt in the ‘Terminate Your Emotions’ with study guides and quizzes.
- Mastering Level 2: This teaches traders a method of risk management, with ClayTrader emphasizing the need to be a ‘well-rounded’ trader. The class uses penny stocks as an example.
- Risk vs. Reward Trading: The previous classes focus on how to read and analyze charts. This class shows users how to apply these skills and expands on previous lessons with guidance on areas such as how to gauge a good entry price and how to judge risk vs. reward in a trade.
- Shorting For Profit: ClayTrader goes over how to short and what to look out for before doing so. Huber also highlights the importance of being well-rounded so you can be flexible with your strategy, setup and alerts.
The 5 core courses on ClayTrader should be taken in the order they are listed above, but the additional courses do not need to be taken in any order as it depends on what you want to learn. The topics of these classes include advanced options (Options Trading Simplified, Advance Options Trading Strategies, and The Options Trading Video Diary), trading strategies (Trampoline Trading, Grow Rich, and Volcano Trading), and guides on how to trade assets (Trading Forex For Beginners, and Penny Stock Survival Guide).
Inner Circle Review
The inner circle is the name of the online community available on ClayTrader.
For a subscription fee, you get access to a live chat room with other traders who have paid for the service, as well as Clay Huber. As part of the inner circle, you also have access to an app and a feature called ‘power scans’.
Power Scans
These are scans of graphs indicating price changes in specific markets, with annotations indicating breakouts and analysis. They are produced and sent out by Clay Trader to provide information on potential profit-making opportunities.
Chat Rooms
There are three chatrooms available. the lounge, the pit less 1, and the pit more 1.
The lounge is for chatting about anything outside of politics and religion. The pit less 1 chatroom is for talking about small trades less than 1 USD, such as penny stocks. The final chatroom is for talking about all trades over 1 USD, such as stocks, forex, options, futures, and cryptocurrencies.
The chatrooms are only open when markets are open (weekdays) and are only for alerts – nothing else.
ClayTrader Fees
There are two main services that ClayTrader offers. These are the Inner Circle and the Trading Freedom Pathway. Subscribers to the Trading Freedom Pathway can also access the Inner Circle for no additional charge, but the Inner Circle subscribers will need to pay separately for the Trading Freedom Pathway.
The Inner Circle alone costs $99 for 3 months of access, with the option to get 3 months free if you pay $297 for 9 months of access.
There are two ways to pay for lifetime access to the Trading Freedom Pathway:
- A one-off payment of $2,497 providing full access to all course content
- Six instalments of $497 each, providing access to one core class with each payment and full access with the final payment
Pros Of ClayTrader
- Computer build guidance
- Live chatroom with others who provide signals
- Guided video tours of the services provided plus how the dashboard will look after the members login
Cons Of ClayTrader
- Expensive – 2,497 USD is a lot for many aspiring traders
- Apart from the courses on options, most other types of instruments, such as forex and futures, are very loosely covered
Customer Service
The Clay Trader website includes frequently asked questions on various topics – such as account help, help on the inner circle, general help, or help with the Trading Freedom Pathway. There is also a guide to help you set up and get started.
If these do not cover your query, the website hosts a live chat feature as well as a form to fill out to contact customer services.
A support email address is not available.
Additional Features
Besides the courses that are available with the Trading Freedom Pathway, ClayTrader provides access to live guidance in the form of webinars. These are weekly webinars, sometimes with other community members as guests, where you join them in investing. The webinars are recorded and archived so they can be watched later. However, the top brokers today offer high-quality webinars that are free of charge and a better fit for many beginners.
ClayTrader is a big name on YouTube, but his investing videos on there are not always detailed. As part of the Freedom Pathway package, you gain access to Clay Huber’s video journal where he occasionally uploads in-depth videos of him trading. There is also an option to schedule 1–1 coaching with Clay Huber, however, these are often not available.
ClayTrader is not the only website Huber has. He also has a personal finance website and a health and fitness website. As part of the subscription package, users get coupon codes for discounts on these websites.
Should You Sign Up With ClayTrader?
ClayTrader offers two services – learning from courses and learning from others. For a fee, you have access to either the chatrooms and/or all courses, so you can take it at your own pace.
Of course, there is no guarantee that the teaching ClayTrader provides will lead to success. Also, some of the best brokers with educational content offer more user-friendly and comprehensive training materials.
What Is ClayTrader’s Net Worth?
ClayTrader’s net worth is currently unknown but with a relatively large following on YouTube as well as several online training courses, it is likely he draws in a significant income.
Is ClayTrader Legit?
ClayTrader is a real person, known as Clay Huber, who has made a living off trading since 2013. He has also shared his skills since around the same period. The service is not fake, with more than 500 real reviews from users. However, our experts do prefer the training materials offered by some of the top brokers with educational content.
What Platform Does ClayTrader Use?
ClayTrader has a page on his website that provides information on what he uses and plugs for investing. This includes platforms, brokers, investing software, technical charts, Level 2 data, and stock scanners and screeners. In terms of what brokers and platforms he uses, he recommends Interactive Brokers, Coinbase, and WeBull.
Is Access To ClayTrader Worldwide?
Yes, as all the courses are online, access to the Trading Freedom Pathway is global, meaning whether you are from England or Uganda, you can access all ClayTrader’s services. However, we would recommend starting with some of the top alternatives to ClayTrader.
How Is ClayTrader Affiliated With Investopedia?
ClayTrader is a contributor to Investopedia, meaning he has written for the website.
ClayTrader is also known for his information on how to build a trading computer. But see our review for the flaws of his services exposed.