11+ Top Academic Journals in Trading

If you’re interested in quantitative finance and trading, there are several leading academic journals that publish research in this area.
Here are some of the most notable ones:
Journal of Finance
While this is a broad finance journal, it often includes articles related to quantitative finance and trading.
Journal of Financial Economics
This is another broad finance journal, but it frequently publishes papers with a trading and quantitative focus.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA)
As the name suggests, this journal is specifically geared towards quantitative research in finance.
Quantitative Finance
This is a dedicated journal for research in the interdisciplinary field of quantitative finance.
Mathematical Finance
This journal focuses on the intersection of mathematics and finance, including the development and application of quantitative techniques.
Journal of Computational Finance
This publication is specifically centered on numerical and computational techniques in finance.
Journal of Portfolio Management
While not strictly quantitative, this journal often features articles on quantitative strategies in asset management.
Focuses on asset allocation, market trends, performance measurement, risk management, and portfolio optimization.
Journal of Trading (Now Retired)
Focused more on the practical aspects of trading, this journal also covers quantitative techniques used in the trading world.
It’s no longer publishing, but many good papers are archived here.
Review of Financial Studies
Another broad finance journal, it has a fair share of quantitative and trading articles.
Journal of Risk
This journal focuses on risk management and often includes quantitative methodologies for assessing and managing financial risks.
Risk Magazine
While not strictly an academic journal, Risk Magazine often features articles on the latest trends, research, and developments in quantitative finance and risk management.
Also has a special focus on derivatives.
Finance and Stochastics
A journal that bridges the gap between finance and mathematics, especially stochastic analysis.
Conclusion – Academic Journals in Trading
Reading academic literature can help expand your horizons.
And before being applied in the real world, things often start out as theories or ideas that get rigorously tested.
When choosing a journal or article, consider the specific topic or area within quantitative finance you’re interested in, as some journals might be more focused on certain topics than others.
Also, some journals are more active than others.