Tips for trading with small accounts

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 month ago by BrianTheDayTrader.
  • Creator
  • #186397 Reply

      Hi fellas,

      I’m new here and just getting my feet wet with online trading. I’ve got $1,500 in my account and have been practicing with a demo account from Axi so far, but I’m gearing up to trade with real money soon.

      I’d love to hear any tips on trading with a small account, especially when it comes to managing risk, picking the right trade sizes, and avoiding being killed by fees.


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      • #186447 Reply
        Christian Harris

          What assets are you looking to trade, as that can determine lot size and swap fees?

          Remember, a well-regarded strategy is to never risk more than 2% of your account balance on a single trade. Setting a minimum 1:1 risk-to-reward is also a good starting point.

          So, with your account size, start with micro lots (0.01).

          • #186560 Reply

              Mainly metals and currencies at the moment.

              Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate it.


          • #186559 Reply

              Welcome to the world of day trading! It’s excellent that you’re starting with a demo account.

              Here are my tips for managing a small trading account:

              • Don’t risk more than 1%-2% of your balance on a single trade. If you have $1,500, this means not putting down more than $15-$30.
              • Make use of stop loss orders to limit potential losses. Set these based on the volatility of the asset you’re trading and your risk appetite.
              • Start with low leverage and only increase it as you become more experienced and confident in your trading system.
              • Avoid overtrading as each trade can incur costs and too many losing trades especially could cut into your profits.
              • #186675 Reply

                  Thanks for your ideas, they are really helpful.

                  Stop losses I am familiar with but what counts as “low leverage”? Is the 50:1 I’m using on currencies about right?

                • #186726 Reply
                  Christian Harris

                    50:1 leverage is considered low when trading FX.

                    With a solid risk management strategy, leverage can enhance returns without committing large amounts of capital.

                    I’d concentrate more on your risk-to-reward ratio.

                  • #186793 Reply

                      Thank you and I shall focus on my risk to reward ratio.

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