Opinions on Trading Journals

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 months ago by Del.
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  • #179529 Reply

      I’ve been day trading with mixed results for a while now and want to gather peoples views on the best journals to use? Seems like TraderSync, Edgewonk and Tradervue are the biggest players? Anyone here actually used them?

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    • Author
      • #179620 Reply
        Major Trader 35

          I’d look at Tradervue. The actual journal features are pretty standard from the few I’ve looked at but what’s best is that you can post and share in the community, and some of the lads in there are switched on.

        • #179640 Reply
          James Barra
            DayTrading.com Team

            Hi Harry,

            Have you checked out our guide on trading journals? We’v evaluated and listed a number of strong brands. Our experts have also covered useful tips for getting the most out of a trading journal.

          • #179656 Reply

              Is it just me that’s old skl and does it in a spreader still đŸ˜‚

              I think I can still get down what I need…

              • Date and time
              • Asset traded (usually stocks for me)
              • Entry and exit
              • Size (e.g. no. of shares/contracts)
              • Direction
              • Why the trade (technical indicators, news etc)
              • Result (too often loss lol)
              • My thought process
              • Lessons learned

              Here’s one I did…

              • Entry time: 10:15
              • Asset: AAPL
              • Entry: $145.50
              • Size: 100 shares
              • Direction: Long
              • Why the trade (showed a bullish flag pattern following product launch)
              • Thought process (felt confident due to clear bullish signals but nervs about serious volatility)
              • Exit: $147
              • Outcome: $150 profit
              • Reflection: Slight impatience in exiting early due to fear of potential reversal
              • Lessons learned: Need to trust my strategy and hold to the target exit points unless clear reversal signs appear
              • #179717 Reply

                  I thank you for sharing that Del but I guess excel doesn’t run lots of analysis on all your past trades to identify themes, or at the very least doesn’t easily display it in visual form? Some of the journals I mentioned have pretty snazzy displays and trade suggestions.

                • #179752 Reply

                    Do you RLY need that stuff tho? Just me view but it’s mostly noise and more about the actual process of jotting down and reflecting than a fancy graph or whateve.

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