Yes, it’s absolutely possible to make money day trading without leverage, but it comes with limitations.
Without leverage, your buying power is strictly tied to your available capital, which means lower potential returns per trade compared to leveraged trading.
For example, if you have $20,000 to trade with and aim for a realistic 1% gain per day, you’d make $200 per day before commissions and fees.
However, trading costs can eat into profits, and without leverage, you may need larger price movements to make meaningful gains.
The key to success in this scenario is selecting highly liquid assets with significant intraday price swings, such as volatile stocks, futures, or cryptocurrencies.
Having a well-tested strategy, disciplined risk management, and patience is crucial if you take this approach.
While leverage can amplify gains, it also increases risks, so trading without it can be a safer, albeit slower, path to profitability.
No hurry, no worry 😎