Using economic calendars effectively for day trading

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  • #192818 Reply

      Dummy question but how do I get the most out of my economic calendar for my day trading setups?

      Like do you plan your whole day around events coming up or just use it to avoid nasty surprises? Which economic events do you pay attention to, just big ones or lesser-known events like manufacturing reports? Which calendars do you guys use? I use this one from because that’s where I have an account but it’s very basic. Should I be using something difference? economic calendar with filters applied

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      • #192882 Reply

          I like to filter my economic calendar to focus on high volatility events like interest rate decisions or employment reports. I mainly use the calendar from Forex Factory because it allows me to customize what I see.

        • #192883 Reply

            Learn the most impactful economic indicators that can affect market movements:

            • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
            • Unemployment Rate
            • Consumer Price Index (CPI)
            • Central bank interest rate decisions
            • Retail Sales

            Plan your trading sessions around the release of key economic data and be wary of the ‘whipsaw’, where prices move quickly in one direction and then reverse.

            Set alerts for big economic events (many decent trading platforms support this). That way, you can stay updated without having to constantly monitor your calendar.

            I don’t think the economic calendar you use is important – they all largely contain the same events and filters these days.

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