How much do y’all need to make day trading to feel content?

  • This topic has 14 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 months ago by Joan.
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  • #195363 Reply

      Hi everyone, I’ve been thinking about what ‘enough’ really looks like as a day trader. For those of you in the grind how much profit would you need to hit each month to feel truly content – not just surviving, but feeling like all the stress and screen time are worth it? Let’s talk real goals, not just pie in sky dreams!

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      • #195427 Reply

          Axel it doesn’t really matter what other people need – fcos on yourself and what you need. You;’re runninginto the social media problem of letting ither peoples’ success or failures influence what you think yuou need.

          • #195434 Reply

              I think he’s just asking a casual, open-ended question mate. Maybe chill out a bit…

            • #195484 Reply

                Tranquilo bro, I’m just opening up a light hearted dialogue 🙂

            • #195426 Reply

                Hey, I’d be good with $4k a month. I live simply, so as long as I can cover my rent, bills, and save a bit, I’m content. Anything more lets me splurge or probs more likely, build my account faster.

                • #196113 Reply

                    I agree Joan.  4k is a relative goal and achievable for me. 👍🏻👍🏻

                • #195425 Reply

                    Enough? When I can buy a private island, hire someone else to stare at screens for me, and sip negronis all day. Until then, I’ll settle for breaking even and some slight hair loss!

                    • #195485 Reply

                        Haha yes my man. That island feels a loooooooooooong way off but I will remain optimistic!

                      • #195548 Reply

                          Crypto is where I see short to medium term opportunities right now. Doge, bitcoin, ripple, etc, and the market in general coul really benefit from institutional activity and Trump and Musk riding into the White House. Of course you never know what’s really going to happen with crypto but I feel as good about it now as I have in a long time.

                      • #195486 Reply

                          I would like to see my trading account balance grow by 10% every month. I know the key is maintaining steady, incremental growth rather than chasing those risky, high-return trades. The patience game is easier said than done of course.

                        • #195549 Reply

                            7.5K to 10K a month would make it worth it for me. Is that realistic? I don’t know. Is it happening right now? Definitely not.

                            • #196114 Reply

                                Sebastian I would agree with @DiamondDozen, If I could get is right by increasing steadily by 10% every month I’ll home free.  Building my strategy around this is my aim.

                            • #195566 Reply
                              Christian Harris


                                Something to bear in mind is that only the very best traders are consistently profitable.

                                That’s why only a few traders can make a ‘real’ living from it.

                                I know profitable traders that regularly have multiple losing months. How would you handle that stress knowing you had bills to pay?

                                I recommend starting small and trading on the side.

                                As for realistic profits, if you can pay for all your living costs consistently every month from trading, you are on your way to being an excellent trader.

                                It’s then ‘simply’ a case of scaling.

                                • #196115 Reply

                                    I once read where I guy said that, ‘the less I trade the more I make’.  Which to me nowadays means that most of the work is not done in the market but on the sidelines with Demo accounts and research.  It stays a great industry that requires hard work and pays excellent dividends!!

                                  • #196183 Reply

                                      They sound like wise words Louis.

                                      I saw a quote by Seth Klarman that I liked and which serves as a good reminder to focus on managing your losses.

                                      “The best do not target return; they focus first on risk, and only then decide whether the projected return justifies taking each particular risk.”

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