Brokers with Mexican stocks

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 months ago by Sam Grey.
  • Creator
  • #179204 Reply
    Sam Grey

      Anybody know of brokers offering access to Mexican stocks? I wanna trade Grupo México.

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    • Author
      • #179207 Reply
        James Barra

          Hi Sam,

          Thank you for your message.

          Not many brokers offer Mexican stocks, so I can appreciate may be struggling to find suitable options.

          However, Interactive Brokers is one multi-regulated broker that does provide access to the Mexican Stock Exchange (Mexican Bolsa). I also used its product search function ( to check it supports Grupo Mexico.

          There may be other brokers offering Mexican stocks as well, so I recommend doing further research. Equally, other traders on this forum may have suggestions.

        • #179217 Reply
          Sam Grey

            Thanks James. I’ve looked at Interactive Brokers before but the support was pretty rubbish and I didn’t rate the platform as easy to use, although I’ve heard they’ve since improved it.

            Any other ideas??

          • #179663 Reply

              Swissquote is the firm I use and they have Mexican stocks with 1% commish but why you wanna trade them can I ask? What do you know we dont?

              • #179665 Reply
                Sam Grey

                  Looked at them already but you can only trade Mexican SE by phone and I can’t be doing that.

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