Bitcoin Trading – How-To Tutorial

Bitcoin trading has seen a huge surge. With plenty of volatility and price movements, it’s an enticing day trading market with huge trading volume per day.
This guide will help beginners learn bitcoin trading, plus outline bitcoin strategies and tips.
Top Bitcoin Platforms
Best Bitcoin Brokers and Exchanges
What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is part of the emerging cryptocurrency market. Whilst cash is made of paper, bitcoins are basically clumps of data. Scrapping the bank or governmental middle man that act as an intermediary for your money, cryptocurrencies enable the transfer of money directly between individuals, utilising secure blockchain technology.
The blockchain is a secure ledger of transactions. Digital coins can be mined by processing complex mathematical algorithms.
The blockchain network records each transaction, securing the entire process – but crucially – speeding it up. Charges are made per transaction.
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to utilise the technology, and subsequent growing pains have led to ‘forks’ in the process. This resulted in the introduction of Bitcoin Cash. Other currencies then tried to improve the process, both in terms of speed, but also, costs and energy requirements. Ripple, Ethereum and Litecoin all claim to be superior to Bitcoin.
The vast wealth of bitcoins are held in the hands of a few, so bitcoin is bought in fractions as low as one-hundredth of a million, which equates to just less than one-tenth of a cent currently.
This means anyone can dabble and explains the boom in bitcoin trading volume per day.
The current cryptocurrency market is estimated to be worth around $1.7 trillion, down from almost $3 trillion at the top. The market cap of bitcoin is $900 billion. This makes day trading bitcoin an appealing proposition.
Bitcoin makes up half of the cryptocurrency market and Roger Ver, Bitcoins CEO, believes ‘it’s the dawn of a better, more free world’. Whilst that remains to be seen, it does have certain attributes that make it tempting for those looking to make money day trading bitcoin.
Why Day Trade Bitcoin?
- Never a dull moment – With swings of over 10% in a matter of hours, this volatile market should give you the chance to find traceable action, and a potential profit for a savvy bitcoin day trader. Put simply – it’s an exciting market to day trade in. So unless you hand over your trust to a day trading bitcoin bot, you’ll have fun glued to the screen.
- Ideal for those comfortable with Forex – You don’t need to understand the complex technical world of cryptocurrencies and bitcoin. It’s basically a currency, enabling you to apply the same thought processes when you’re day trading bitcoin as you would when you’re day trading Forex.
- Potential for leveraged trading – Some bitcoin exchanges offer leveraged trading, which could give you greater exposure to upside and downside price risk than your trading budget may normally allow.
- Universal access – You can start day trading bitcoins anywhere on the planet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You simply need an internet connection. Plus, because you’re day trading you don’t need to have a long term view about whether cryptocurrencies will succeed. In addition, whilst the stock market can be a pricey place for normal investors, with Facebook and Apple shares costing around £110 per share, you can dive into the cryptocurrency market with just a dollars or pounds.
- Low day trading bitcoin fees and taxes – Compared to many traditional exchanges, bitcoin focused exchanges offer low fees and minimums.
- Go Long or short – Each day is different, you can be bullish and bearish the same week.
Bitcoin Wallet
To actually own bitcoin (rather than speculate on the price), you need a digital wallet to store your cryptocurrency. There are a whole range of wallet providers out there, but we like Coinbase. It offers higher levels of security than most and is backed by large, regulated brokers.
What You’ll Need To Start Trading
So you want to make money day trading bitcoin? Now you understand why to trade and what you’re trading, but here’s a bit more detail on the how – it’s a “Trading Bitcoin For Beginners” step by step guide:
How To Trade Bitcoin Step 1 – Find out the price
One of the first things you’ll need to know is what the price is. To do that you’ll need to head over to an index or exchange to see the latest traded value. You can also use orders – open orders or limit orders – to enter the market at the point you want to.
Step 2 – Pick an exchange
One of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is which Bitcoin broker or exchange to deposit funds with. Day trading bitcoin on Bitmex or Coinbase has become particularly popular in recent years. However, there are other choices too.
Away from the direct exchanges, there are also firms that will allow you to trade the underlying asset of Bitcoin, without actually owning it. It can for example, be traded within a forex pair against the US dollar.
It’s also worth considering brokers that accept Bitcoin payments. These firms offer the seamless management and funding of BTC trading portfolios by reducing transfer charges and processing efforts.
Step 3 – Capital
Before you can make money day trading bitcoin you’ll need some capital to start with. The internet is packed full of warnings about losing all your money so let’s keep this brief.
Whilst you find your feet, using a small amount is advisable. It’s also worth highlighting that you should never trade more than you’re willing to lose. Be strict and regimented with what you can and can’t afford to lose, and you’ll never need to worry about losing out to the cryptocurrency market.
Useful tip – If you’re using credit cards, you may get charged up to 3.99%, so keep an eye out for credit cards that offer 3% cash back so you can negate part of the cost.
Step 4 – Bitcoin strategies
Rodger Federer doesn’t step onto the tennis court without a clear strategy for how to beat his opponent, and you shouldn’t start day trading Bitcoin without one either. Some people seek the assistance of a Bitcoin day trading bot; others rely on their technical analysis and judgement.
Nearly all Bitcoin day trading tutorials will suggest you utilise price charts and have an effective money management strategy. This will help you keep losses at a minimum and profits high.
Reading the charts
Whilst you will find an abundance of line and bar charts, don’t make them your bread and butter. Candlestick charts offer you the most information in the smallest amount of space. From them you can learn several essential bits of information:
- What was the price when it opened and closed.
- How high the price got during the time frame, as well as how low it dropped.
- If the candlestick is green, then you know the price closed higher than when it opened.
- When it’s red, it tells you it closed lower than when it opened.
- If the chart is mostly green and heading upwards, you’re in an upwards trend.
- You know if the chart is mostly red, you’re in a downwards trend.
When using your chart ensure you have the right timeframe settings. For day trading bitcoins you want charts that are between 1-30 minutes.
If you want to make money day trading bitcoin you’ll need to get familiar with candlesticks and their indicators (see example below). It isn’t uncommon for bitcoin to fall into a repetitive trend for months on end. If three of the last four candlesticks have been red, then there’s a good chance it’s going to carry on heading that way, unless the RSI suggests it’s been seriously oversold.
On Balance Volume Indicator
Whether you were day trading bitcoin in 2015, or day trading it now in 2025, consider using the on balance volume (OBV) indicator. It utilises an intelligent combination of price and volume activity to tell you what is the total money flowing in and out of the market currently.
How do you apply it to Bitcoin? If bitcoin trading is on the rise whilst the OBV trading is heading south, then you know people are selling into this rally, however a move to the upside would not be sustainable. The same logic can be applied in reverse.
Another one of our top tips – It is imperative you utilise multiple news sources. Bitcoin value is extremely reliant on public perception, so news events can trigger spikes. Some of the most useful and user friendly news sources out there are:
- CryptoCoinsNews
- Bitcoin Magazine
- Coindesk
- The Street
- Coin Telegraph
- Business Insider
- Brave New Coin
When it comes to useful bitcoin day trading tips, many suggest that if there is zero negative news about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general, then it could well be the right time to sell. On the flip side, if there’s positive news then it could be time to buy.
Use this is a broad guide for day trading bitcoin and you’ll avoid some pitfalls and utilise some opportunities, hopefully making for a substantial bitcoin day trading profit.
Trading bitcoin for beginners introduces numerous risks – traders must be aware of them before putting money on the line. Learning bitcoin trading can involve expensive mistakes, so this list of risks with hopefully offer new traders some tips to avoid the pitfalls:
- Regulation – Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies are relatively new, making their future somewhat uncertain. People don’t know how governments will react further down the line and how stringent regulations will be. Could regulations cripple the market entirely?
- Dangers of volatility – Bitcoin is the most volatile of all assets, including the stock and gold markets. Whilst volatility brings with it opportunity to day trade bitcoin for a profit, it also brings with it doubt and unpredictability. For example, in June 2017 bitcoin was being traded at $2,983. It then lost 30% in value and crashed down to $1,992, only to climb up to $4,764 in September, boasting a 139% gain. You must ensure your bitcoin day trading strategies take into account the uncertainty.
- Exchange risk – Whilst your Bitcoins can’t disappear, the transactions you do are permanent and only the recipient can refund them. This means you must only do business with those you either know, trust or are widely reputable.
- Fees / Charges – If buying and selling Bitcoin directly, transactions costs can vary wildly. This can be a wider complaint with the concept as a whole, but for intraday traders making multiple trades, it is a significant risk. CFDs and binary options (or any derivative) can mitigate this risk.
- Margin Trading – Derivates can often be traded on margin. While this can increase profit potential, it also increases the risk. Losses can exceed deposits when trading on margin.