Stock Trading News

Correlation vs. Covariance in Asset Allocation

Correlation and covariance are statistical measures in asset allocation. They provide information on how different financial assets move in relation to each other. Covariance measures the directional relationship between the returns of two assets. When the covariance is positive, asset returns move together; if negative, they move inversely. Correlation, meanwhile, standardizes this relationship, expressing it […]

Particle Filters in Finance & High-Frequency Trading

Particle Filters or Sequential Monte Carlo Methods – a Bayesian inference technique and machine learning algorithm – is increasingly relevant in quantitative finance and high-frequency trading (HFT). This method employs a set of random samples, or “particles,” to approximate the posterior distribution of a stochastic process. In the context of HFT, particle filtering can help […]

Extreme Value Theory (EVT)

Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a branch of statistics dealing with the extreme deviations from the median of probability distributions. It focuses on understanding the behavior of the tails of distributions, which is important in finance and risk management.   Key Takeaways – Extreme Value Theory (EVT) Risk Assessment EVT assesses the risks of rare, […]

Beneish M-Score [Components, Formula, Calculation, Example]

The Beneish M-Score is a statistical model that is used to detect whether a company has manipulated its earnings. The model was created by professor Messod Beneish in June 1999 after publishing a paper called The Detection of Earnings Manipulation. The logic behind the Beneish M-Score is that a combination of aggressive revenue recognition practices, […]

How to Make a Monte Carlo Simulation in Python (Finance)

Monte Carlo simulations are a tool in finance for modeling and understanding the behavior of financial systems under various scenarios. These simulations use randomness to solve problems that might be deterministic in principle. Python, with its rich library ecosystem, offers an efficient platform for conducting Monte Carlo simulations. Here’s a guide on how to implement […]

25+ Options Pricing Models – Ways to Value Options & Derivatives

There are many options pricing models with complex mathematical foundations and variables that go into determining what an option is worth. But in terms of the big-picture intuitive understanding of an option’s value is, it really boils down to two main factors: the probability that an option will be in the money (ITM) by expiration […]

Partial Differential Equations in Finance (PDEs)

Partial differential equations (PDEs) serve as the foundation for pricing complex derivatives and assessing risk. These equations enable the translation of financial theories and movements of market variables into mathematical language.   Key Takeaways – Partial Differential Equations in Finance PDEs, such as the Black-Scholes equation, are used for option pricing. Enables traders to calculate […]

Derivatives Pricing – Terms, Definitions & Topical Outline

In this overview, we look at a comprehensive range of terms and definitions for understanding the pricing of derivatives in finance. We cover various processes, concepts, and models.   Key Takeaways – Derivatives Pricing Derivative pricing involves models like Brownian motion and risk-neutral valuation to predict price movements and valuations, considering market risk and arbitrage […]

Q World vs. P World (Quant Modeling)

In quantitative finance, professionals often categorize models and methodologies into two main buckets: Q World and P World. These classifications represent two distinct approaches to quant modeling. They each have their own unique set of assumptions, objectives, and applications.   Q World vs. P World (Quant Modeling) The “Q World,” or “Risk-Neutral World,” uses adjusted […]

Hamada’s Equation: Separating Financial Risk from Business Risk

Hamada’s Equation is a financial tool that separates a company’s total risk into two distinct categories: business risk and financial risk. By understanding and analyzing these risks separately, investors and managers can make better-informed decisions. This equation also integrates elements from the famous Modigliani-Miller Theorem, providing a more comprehensive view of a firm’s risk profile. […]

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