Stock Trading News
Credit Derivatives – Overview, Examples, UsesCredit derivatives are a type of financial contract that allow investors to hedge or speculate on credit risks. They came into popularity in the early 1990s in the aftermath of a slow-moving global credit crisis that heavily hit commercial real estate (and especially Japan’s economy) and the savings and loan (S&L) industry. Credit derivatives can […]
The 17+ Most Popular Hedge Fund StrategiesHedge fund strategies are generally placed into a few different buckets. The main overaching categories of hedge fund strategies include: global macro statistical arbitrage event-driven directional relative value distressed investing Each of these strategies employs a different approach to investing and comes with its own unique risks and reward profile. There are also numerous sub-strategies […]
The 4 Variables That Determine Asset PricesWhen you buy an asset such as a stock, you’re putting up a lump sum payment in exchange for an expected income stream over time. These future payments you’ll receive are determined by four main things. The Big Four inflation growth (the sum of the growth in productivity plus the labor force) risk premiums, and […]
11+ Best Cloud Computing Stocks [Top Picks]Cloud computing became a hot new industry in the 2010s, and its growth is continuing today as companies around the world shift their digital data and services to the cloud. Namely, these data, files, and services are being shifted to remote data centers and accessed via the internet. The move to remote work only accelerated […]
Does Shorting A Stock Drive Its Price Lower?Short selling is not a widely understood phenomenon in markets. Some even attach moral or ethical implications to it. Various executives have come publicly complained about short selling, from Tesla’s Elon Musk to several high-profile frauds and business failures blaming their downfall on short selling, such as Enron, Worldcom, and Wirecard. We’ve covered short selling […]
Jade Lizard Option Strategy [Setup, Pros & Cons]The Jade Lizard is a mildly bullish options strategy that involves the following: Buying a Call (typically ITM or around ATM) Selling a Call (ITM) Selling a Put (OTM) The resulting payoff diagram is as follows: (This example involves a current price of $100 for the underlying, buying a 95 call, selling a […]
Wealth Tax and the Stock MarketTaxes are an important part of the conversation for risk asset markets, as they impact their valuations. They influence capital flows between countries, as lower forward returns in one country via tax changes impacts investment decisions. It’s an important consideration today, as countries and local governments face large revenue shortfalls. Policymakers will be forced to […]
What Stocks Pay Monthly Dividends? [Monthly Dividend Stocks]Below is a list of stocks that pay monthly dividends (i.e., monthly dividend stocks). A lot of these are real estate investment trusts (REITs) and many are business development companies (BDCs). Excluded from the list are oil and gas royalty trusts because of their higher risk. Some O&G royalty trusts may pay a monthly dividend, […]
QE and the Impact on YieldsThere’s a lot of confusion regarding quantitative easing, also known as QE, and the impact on bond yields (longer-term interest rates). Quantitative easing is the secondary form of monetary policy after interest rate-driven policy. Once interest rate policy has been exhausted – when short-term interest rates are at about zero – then the focus shifts […]
Wealth Destruction: Why It’s Happening in Markets & How to Avoid ItCertain individuals holding certain types of assets in certain currencies face the biggest risk of wealth destruction today. Markets provide the biggest opportunities – and the biggest risks – when there are unsustainable flows in liquidity in places where the prices discount earnings or economic scenarios that are not likely to transpire. The risk of […]
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