Stock Trading News

When Will the US Run Out of Money? (And Impacts on Markets)

Can the US or any country run out of money? Technically, the government doesn’t have money. A government is just a collection of individuals. Everything in an economy comes down to productivity.  Governments collect tax revenue from what boils down to underlying productivity at the most fundamental level. It can use a combination of those […]

Undervalued vs. Fully Valued vs. Overvalued – What’s the Difference?

How to Tell if a Stock is Undervalued, Fully Valued, or Overvalued One of the most important things to know as a trader or investor is how to tell if a stock is undervalued, fully valued, or overvalued. The entire premise of a lot of investing is knowing value. Whether you’re buying a stock, a […]

SWOT Analysis of Amazon

Amazon’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Amazon is the undisputed leader of e-commerce, but that doesn’t mean it’s invulnerable. In order to maintain its position at the top, Amazon must carefully consider its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (i.e., SWOT Analysis). Let’s take a closer look.   Amazon SWOT Analysis Strengths Diversified business model Outstanding […]

SWOT Analysis of Apple

Apple is one of the most popular and well-known technology companies in the world. Founded in 1976, Apple has since become a household name thanks to its innovative products and services. In recent years, however, Apple has come under increased pressure from competitors such as Samsung and Microsoft. As a result, it is important to […]

3 Main Spheres of Global Investing [Where to Invest Your Money]

The Three Main Geographical Spheres to Invest Your Money Broadly speaking, you have three main places to invest your money: 1) The three main reserve currency areas – US, European Union (can also include the UK), and Japan 2) China and maturing Asia (i.e., South Korea) 3) Emerging markets 1) Main reserve currency countries The […]

War Bonds

What Are War Bonds? War bonds are a type of debt security issued by the government to finance military operations and other spending during times of conflict. They are typically sold to investors at a discount, with the promise that they will be redeemed for full face value when the bonds mature. War bonds are […]

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) – How to Take Advantage

What Is Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)? Qualified small business stock (QSBS) is a designation given to certain stocks of small businesses that qualify for special tax treatment. When you sell or exchange QSBS, you may be able to exclude all or part of the gain from your taxable income. To qualify for QSBS status, […]

What Is Annual Percentage Yield (APY)? [APY Formula]

What Is the Annual Percentage Yield (APY)? The annual percentage yield (APY) is a measure of how much interest you earn on an investment over the course of a year. It takes into account the interest rate and any compounding that may occur during the year. The APY is important because it allows you to […]

Sensitivity Analysis – How It’s Used in Banking, Private Equity, Trading, Investing

What Is Sensitivity Analysis? Sensitivity analysis is the process of changing input variables to determine how it will change the output variable. For example, if you are doing a discounted cash flow analysis on a certain stock, you might want to look at how changing interest rates would influence the stock price or how changing […]

Reflexivity – Exploring George Soros’ Popular Trading Concept

What Is Reflexivity? Reflexivity is a trading concept popularized by George Soros. It posits that there is a two-way relationship between price and underlying fundamentals. This means that price movements can influence the underlying fundamentals, which in turn can influence prices. This theory is based on the idea that people base their decisions on their […]

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