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Tobias Robinson
Tobias is a partner at, director of a UK limited company and active trader. He has over 25 years of experience in the financial industry and contributed via CySec to the regulatory response to digital options and CFD trading in Europe. Toby’s expertise and dedication to financial education make him a trusted voice in the industry, including a BBC investigation into digital options.
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William Berg
William contributes to several investment websites, leveraging his experience as a consultant for IPOs in the Nordic market and background providing localization for forex trading software. William has worked as a writer and fact-checker for a long row of financial publications.

InTheMoneyStocks is a day trading, swing trading, and options trading educational service. The company is run by two seasoned traders who provide in-depth training for would-be professional traders, as well as current market analysis, and proprietary trading alerts.

This review provides you with a full breakdown of what InTheMoneyStocks is offering, looking at their trading platform, fees, accounts, market hours, training package, and more.

Training And Education

InTheMoneyStocks offers training courses that purport to introduce its members to the “world’s most successful trading strategy,” The PPT Methodology.

The PPT Methodology has purportedly helped over 25,000 members to change their lives for the better, earning them financial freedom.

InTheMoneyStocks claims an 80% plus success rate on trades, cycles, price, pattern, and time charting that works on all markets, including Forex, commodities, crypto, and stocks.

Inthemoneystocks logo

A Brief History Of

InTheMoneyStocks was established in 2007 with the mission of educating average traders and investors so that they could compete with and beat the Wall Street elite.

The company, based in New York, is one of the most well-established proprietary trade alert sites on the web, which demonstrates the longevity of the positive and profitable impact it has had on its many members.

Founders, Nicholas Santiago, and Gareth Soloway spent many years, prior to the launch of InTheMoneyStocks, developing their “PPT Methodology.” PPT is a simple way of analysing charts, including commodities, stocks, Forex and crypto, etc., to find the next directional move.

The advertises an 82% success rate, 94% for day trading.

With many hedge-fund clients and in excess of 25,000 members, InTheMoneyStocks is now a household name with traders and investors from all over the world.

Gareth Soloway

Gareth Soloway is the President and Chief Market Strategist at InTheMoneyStocks. Soloway has over 15 years’ experience in swing and day trading. After leaving the financial industry in 2004 to trade his own wealth, Gareth met Nicholas Santiago.

These two top professional traders worked together to perfect the trading strategy that they call The PPT Methodology.

When the PPT Methodology was perfected, InTheMoneyStocks was launched in 2007. The goal of the company is to teach average investors how to compete with, and beat, the best hedge funds and traders on Wall Street.

Gareth achieves this ambition by teaching subscribers to the site the PPT Methodology and giving them his trades as he takes them in a live environment.

Gareth’s success rate is impressive. Since 2007, he has maintained a success rate of over 80% on swing trade alerts given to InTheMoneyStocks’ members in Varied Investing Alerts, verified across 300+ trades per year. Also, Gareth has a verified success rate of 94% on day trades in InTheMoneyStocks’ Live Day Trading Chat Room.

Gareth Soloway has lectured at colleges across the United States and has trained hedge fund traders in many other countries around the world. Although still a professional trader, Gareth’s love of teaching others to profit by trading the markets is his main focus.

Nick Santiago

Nick Santiago is President and CEO and Chief Market Strategist for InTheMoneyStocks.

Nick began trading back in 1991. In 1997, he became a licensed Series 7 and 63 Registered Representative, managing money for a large private client group.

As an expert in technical analysis, Nick is a highly regarded and very accomplished technician in a broad range of trading strategies, including Elliot Wave, Gann Theory, Cycle Theory, and Dow Theory.

Nick Santiago partnered with Gareth Soloway to launch InTheMoneyStocks to realize his dream of teaching thousands of aspiring traders and investors on how to work the markets. Nick also provides consultancy services to institutions and hedge funds.

Nick Santiago swing-trades and day-trades large caps, together with currencies, futures, and commodities.

Bryan Leighton

Bryan Leighton is President of Trading Operations and COO of InTheMoneyStocks and has been involved in the financial industry for over 15 years.

Bryan has been involved in the financial industry for more than 15 years, trading his own account and those of clients. He began his career trading ES Futures but now specialises in equities.

Bryan’s specialism is in swing trading, and he’s launched and run multiple internet-related businesses in this field. However, Bryan now focuses solely on his passions; trading and teaching others to learn the business.

Training Course Costs At InTheMoneyStocks

InTheMoneyStocks operates three advanced trading courses for would-be traders and investors. All the courses must be completed to understand and implement the PPT Methodology successfully and fully.

The first of these trading courses is entitled “The Methodology Revealed” and comes in the format of a webinar. The cost of this part of the training suite is $999 per month. Company CEOs deliver the course via over seven hours of webinar training.

Course #2 costs $649.99 and is entitled “Elite Keys To Unlimited Success.” This is a four-hour course that teaches students how to use the tools and techniques of the PPT Methodology.

The third course of the trilogy costs $799.99 and is entitled “Advanced Cycles.” This course is also in webinar format and is six hours in duration. Students learn more about the PPT Methodology and how to use it to best effect when trading across the various markets.

Additional Training Courses

Once students have completed the three aforementioned foundation courses, they can opt to take five further bolt-on training courses:

All these courses take the form of webinars and are conducted by one or more of the three company CEOs and self-proclaimed trading experts.

Verified Investing Alerts

InTheMoneyStocks’ Chief Marketing Strategist, Gareth Soloway presents the Verified Investing Alerts service that the company offers its members.

This service focuses on swing trade action in small, mid, and large-cap stocks, commodities, currencies, ETFs, and crypto, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. As part of the service, clients receive daily analysis videos using proprietary methods to discuss market trends, current trades, setups, and cycles.

Through their videos, InTheMoneyStocks aim to give their clients the heads up on trends, putting them ahead of the institutions and providing a competitive edge on when the markets will put in a major top or bottom pivot.

There’s also a weekly broadcast where members can ask questions and hear live analysis while perusing Master Trader Gareth Soloway’s live charts.

Through this service, members are guaranteed a minimum of three swing trades per week. Precise entry prices, stops, and targets are given in real-time, and members receive text and email alerts to enable them to make their trades faster. A daily video service provides subscribers with insight into trading and the current, real-time market conditions.

According to figures produced by InTheMoneyStocks, this service has a verified seven-year track record showing a total gain of 737.81%.

Verified Option Alerts

Verified Option Alerts is a subscriber service that costs $9.99 per month. Five years’ stats for the service are provided, showing a gain of 2,524.54%.

The service uses the company’s PPT Methodology to scan thousands of charts, finding high-reward option trades. Subscribers receive the exact entry price, expiration, strike, target, and stop on every trade. Trades are sent within seconds via text and email alerts. Members can expect to receive at least three options trades during a regular trading week, although more are found when the market is particularly active.

Verified Option Alerts are aimed at traders who thrive on making high-risk, big profit trades. InTheMoneyStocks provides subscribers with full transparency on every trade from entry to exit.

Live Day Trading Room

InTheMoneyStocks have a live day trading room that can be accessed by subscribers to the site. Premium membership costs $299.99 per month. Elite Pro membership costs $2,999 per year. The site owners provide two years’ verified day trading figures, boasting a total gain of $288,017 on a $300,000 account. Trading tactics and education provided by the live day trading room are estimated at around $3,500 per month.

The site owners claim that their live day trading room is the best in the world, with their PPT Methodology giving subscribers access to trades with a success rate in excess of over 90% in 2018 and 2019.

InTheMoneyStocks’ two Master Traders provide live streaming access to every trade they make throughout each day, giving subscribers the exact price, stop, and target for every transaction. Live analysis and trade setups are broadcast and typed questions answered in real-time.

Bullseye Trading Alerts

The Bullseye Trading Alerts subscription service costs $99.99 per month.

Master Trader, Nick Santiago provides subscribers with real-time, live alerts via text and email revealing profitable positions he takes from currencies, commodities, stocks, futures, real estate, oil, silver, and gold.

Also, more insight is provided via access to Santiago’s Astro and Gann work, enabling traders to make a steady profit. Within the service, subscribers can also access weekly live meetings with Santiago.

Bullseye Option Alerts

The Bullseye Option Alerts service costs $99.99 per month. Over a five-year verified trading figure, the system has generated a gain of 1,941.57%.

The Bullseye Option Alerts service provides subscribers access to swing trade options provided by Nick Santiago. Members receive calls on options via text and email alerts.

Apprentice Trading Library

For a one-off fee of $149.99, members of the InTheMoneyStocks site can access 31 informative videos on all aspects of trading the markets.

Free Trade Ideas

The Free Trade Ideas area allows access for subscribers and casual visitors to the site. In this area, you’ll find a blog, current trading and market news, an FAQ section, and an email subscription facility.

Platform Verdict

InTheMoneyStocks is a trading platform that is aimed firmly and new traders and those wishing to expand their knowledge and up their game. The majority of subscribers to the service and students who have invested in the training materials give the platform overall positive reviews.

However, to subscribe and benefit from the services and training offered by InTheMoneyStocks, you need a substantial amount of capital, to begin with.

Mobile Apps

InTheMoneyStocks’ educational program materials and live trading platform are also available on mobile and tablet apps. So, members need never miss a live opportunity to make a profitable trade.

Members can also access all the training videos via mobile.

Social Media

InTheMoneyStocks has an active social media presence, including regular trading-related Tweets from the site’s two Master Traders.

Methods of Payment

InTheMoneyStocks reviewers have highlighted payment methods that are industry standard. You can pay via any major debit or credit card.

Terms and Conditions

In a very lengthy Terms and Conditions section, InTheMoneyStocks effectively excludes itself from any liability or financial losses that are experienced by subscribers and members.

There’s also a long Risk Disclosure Statement that is at pains to tell members that they are at risk of losing everything and that InTheMoneyStocks will not be held liable for any such losses.

Final Thoughts

InTheMoneyStocks is an educational service that is run by three industry experts. The mission of the business is to pass on the collaborative knowledge of these three individuals to people who are interested in trading and investing with a view to making a regular income or creating wealth for the future.

Although there are other online companies that offer stock market trading courses, InTheMoneyStocks also offers its members access to a live trading environment where subscribers are sent real-time trades as recommended by the experts. This takes it far beyond a YouTube ‘advistor’ or tipster.

There are certainly plenty of learning opportunities on the site for the rookie trader, but that comes at a not inconsiderable cost, and there is the danger that the inexperienced could make potentially catastrophic errors that could have a severe financial impact. Also, while InTheMoneyStocks’ claims of past profitability are certainly impressive, and they do provide verifiable track record figures for their performance, some of these claims do appear “too good to be true.”
