Trading Mindset Resources

  • This topic has 24 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 months ago by Sam Grey.
  • Creator
  • #179534 Reply
    Jonny got all the money

      hey, whas good? got any recs for buildin tradin resilience? like, mindset stuff? dont really care about textbooks or whatever, just wanna know about some sick articles, vids, podcasts (if they exis?), etc…

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    • Author
      • #179622 Reply
        Major Trader 35

          Don’t know specifically about the mindset piece but I enjoy listening to these guys

        • #179635 Reply
          Intraday Insider

            I would check out the Trading Coach Podcast he’s done hundreds now but his early ones are the best. He knows what he’s talking about and keeps it light.

          • #179634 Reply

              This book for me gets it bang on: The Psychology of Trading by Brett Steenbarger.

              It’s got to be about 20 years old now but I still use loads of the stuff I learned from it. I just checked and you can get it from Amazon, probably other places also.

            • #179648 Reply

                I read a book called ‘Trading in the Zone’ from Mark Douglas donkeys ago but it’s always stayed with me. It does a stellar job of walking through all the mental pitfalls you, me and we all experience as traders with money on the line.

                This from it has always stayed with me too “An edge is nothing more than an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over another”. A good way to keep your mind focused on the maths and out of your own head!

              • #179658 Reply

                  Get on YouTube m8 there’s a lot of good traders on there now (and a lot of bad lol). I rate Adam Khoo at the mo, great if you’re interested in stocks to


                  • #179668 Reply

                      I’ve actually had someone else recommend Adam so I should probably take note at this point and give him a listen.

                  • #179676 Reply
                    Jonny got all the money

                      Thx boys!

                    • #179715 Reply
                      Alrey Ab

                        The AlphaMind podcast is a terrific listen and they got loadsa different people in from finance to military. A lot of is relevant to the mindset and emotional side of trading so I’d start there pal.

                        • #179996 Reply

                            I’m a fan of AlphaMind and recommend episode
                            111 “Reminiscences of a Day Trader with David Hale” for anyone serious about intraday trading.

                        • #179743 Reply
                          Major Trader 35

                            Another though on this, have you looked into getting a trading mentor? Someone that you can bounce ideas off and check your thinking can be helpful I think.

                            • #180118 Reply
                              Jonny got all the money

                                Yh man, think that cud be a good thing for me. Do you know anyone that does it or how to go bowt it?

                              • #180120 Reply
                                Major Trader 35

                                  I’m not sure if they are a mentor so to speak but I saw someone post in another channel here about setting up a trading group – This may provide a similar type of support maybe.

                                • #180122 Reply
                                  Jonny got all the money

                                    Missed that but will ping a message thru. Cheers!

                                • #179748 Reply
                                  James Barra

                                    Hi Johnny got all the money,

                                    I’d recommend having a read of How to Control Emotions in Day Trading. It has some practical tips and section 6 is about ‘Mindset and Psychological Techniques’.

                                    I hope you find it useful.

                                  • #180377 Reply

                                      Chiming in here with another book recommendation that’s got some brilliant stuff on this. It’s called The Mental Game of Trading written by Jared Tendler.

                                      Rather than parroting the stuff we all know about greed and fear blah blah he actually lists practical steps and measures you can take to stay disciplined.  You can get it on Kindle.

                                    • #180633 Reply

                                        There’s a really interesting TEDx talk on this by a finance professor called Hicham Benjelloun. You can find it on YouTube

                                        Be warned it takes a little while to get going but he offers some interesting perspectives on it based on his research and his own experience trading.

                                        • #181659 Reply

                                            I found this video really dull. Way too slow and he doesn’t actually explain anything novel you can’t find in 90% of stuff online. Just my opinion.

                                          • #181892 Reply

                                              I didn’t say he was for everyone! I prefer the lecture-style approach but probably because I have spent a long time in higher education.

                                          • #180909 Reply

                                              Building the ‘right’ mindset for trading is something that comes through time and practice in my view. I don’t believe any YouTube video is going to able to rewire your brain. The harsh reality is you learn from making the right but more importantly, the wrong trading decisions.

                                            • #181070 Reply

                                                Deffo have a read of THE MENTAL GAME OF TRADING by JARED TENDLER

                                              • #181450 Reply

                                                  Have you seen the movie Rounders? It’s about poker but there are parallels with trading and I think it gives a good window into the mental challenges of trying to make money from the markets.

                                                  • #181987 Reply
                                                    Major Trader 35

                                                      Is that a serious suggestion lol? It’s an entertainment film about gambling, not an educational tool that will practically help someone build a resilient mindset for trading.

                                                    • #190177 Reply
                                                      Sam Grey

                                                        Ah yes, Rounders, the ultimate guide to trading because nothing says ‘resilience in trading’ like losing all your money in a high-stakes poker game to a guy with a questionable Russian accent!

                                                        You’re pulling my leg right?!

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