Trading Buddies

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  • #179536 Reply
    Canadian Ed

      Greetings, fellow traders!

      I’m Edouard, a Canadian-based trader. Since October 2023, I’ve been day trading and refining my skills. Now, I’m seeking like-minded individuals to join me on a journey to achieve consistent success in day trading.

      I’m looking for 2-3 dedicated traders who share my commitment to honing their craft. Together, we’ll meet up over video/phone to:

      • Review our trades, rules, and goals
      • Share knowledge and insights
      • Offer encouragement and motivation during challenging times

      While it’s ideal to connect with traders in Canada, I’m open to collaborations with anyone from around the world. We can meet at least twice a week (preferably daily) to discuss our progress and challenges.

      If you’re interested in joining me on this adventure, feel free to reply to me on here.

      Join me on a quest for consistency!

      Best regards,


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      • #179714 Reply

          Hello Edouard,

          This is something I’d be interested in and I’m based in Ottawa.

          I’ve been in a few such groups over the years and they can really add value when done right.

          What’s the best way to talk to you direct?

          • #179733 Reply
            Canadian Ed

              Olsoph, virtual greetings!

              I’m thrilled you wish to get involved. Can I suggest we wait for a few more interested parties and then I will coordinate an introductory session on a convenient channel? I hope that is acceptable?

              P.S. Ottawa is a stunning place, many a happy memory there!

              Best regards,


          • #180216 Reply
            Jonny got all the money

              I wanna join somethin like dis. Hiya there both, gd to meet ya and keen to be on any intro session!

              • #180286 Reply
                Canadian Ed

                  Jonny, greetings!

                  I will certainly look to include you in the session where we can find out more about each other and discuss our trading objectives.

                  I’d like to wait for one more person if that’s agreeable with you and then we can get started!

                  Best regards,


              • #180868 Reply
                Canadian Ed


                  I’m still looking for one other trader to join our group! Do let me know if anyone is interested.

                  Best regards,


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