Discuss Copy Trading for Beginners

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by AllyH.
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    • #179898 Reply

        This page says it but you almost can’t say it enough, go in with your eyes WIDE open.

        You can lose money even when you pick a so-called ‘Winner’. They’re not Warren Buffet so don’t expect they’re going to make you a millionaire overnight.

        It’s like any investment really, do your homework, start small, and get out while you’re on top.

        That’s my advice anyway from years trying to crack the trading industry and copy trading more so in recent times!

      • #179897 Reply
        AlwaysTrading 24/7

          Copy trading is how I got started. It’s true it’s a good way to learn about the markets etc, but defo important to find traders that share the thinking around their setups, why X instrument, why Y timeframe, the risk management tools they use etc. If they don’t share that it can be tricky to learn. Social trading networks are good here, the likes of eToro as good ones on there often share a lot of their thought process and details about their portfolios.

          • #195186 Reply

              Hey, ,late to this post but I’d be interested to know if you saw consistent gains or losses copy trading?

              I take all your points around getting insights into traders setups but I also want to know first and foremost, does it actually work?

          • #179896 Reply

              I agree about following multiple traders – a good way to spread risk 👍

              One important thing I’d add is to always look at a master trader’s returns over a long period, ideally a year but at least six months. That’s a more reliable indicator of a genuinely good trader in my book and someone worth putting your money with.

              • #180628 Reply

                  Definitely sensible because it gives you a more complete picture of a trader’s ability and performance. I’ve had it before where a trader looks like they’ve had really strong returns on the platform’s dashboard but then you change the time settings to a year and it suddenly falls.

                • #181891 Reply

                    100%. Lots of platforms like eToro make it easy to see returns over an extended time horizon these days so it’s a no brainer.

                • #180100 Reply
                  Timo S

                    I would be interested to know more about solutions like eToro compared with external providers like DupliTrade. I have thought about copy trading myself and my broker (Ava) supports DupliTrade but the minimum investment is nuts at like 2k and I don’t know if I’m happy risking that much straight off the bat.

                    • #180240 Reply

                        I have thought this myself and would be interested to know the results of any tests the guys do.

                      • #185242 Reply

                          DupliTrade is better if you want something that can be integrated with MT4 but you will need a partner broker like Axi or FxPro. And if you’re willing to invest more to start with, which will likely put off lots of beginners.

                          eToro is better if you want the community element. Its social feed is heaving with activity – I see people sharing market insights and trading ideas throughout the day.

                        • #195187 Reply

                            Is there any update on this? Did anyone find out if companies like eToro are better than Duplitrade?

                        • #180440 Reply

                            Copy trading is just a lazy way for beginners to try and make money without putting in any effort to learn proper trading strategies.

                            It promotes dependency on others’ rather than taking any responsibility for your own trades. It won’t get you far in the long run.

                            • #180442 Reply
                              AlwaysTrading 24/7

                                Ermmm I hardly think that’s fair. I got into the markets by copy trading and now I research, run and manage my own trades and I don’t know if I would have had the confidence if I hadn’t got my start by learning from others.

                                It is true if you blindly follow you probs won’t learn much but some people do make the effort. It’s a bit of a broad statement that.

                              • #180443 Reply

                                  Pal I’m not sure that was the most diplomatic of comments, to call people “lazy”. I think something more constructive could have been more helpful.

                                • #180459 Reply
                                  James Barra
                                    DayTrading.com Team


                                    It’s great to have different views involved in the discussion but I politely ask that you try and frame your comments in a more considered way for the different types of traders that may engage in this forum, from beginners through to experienced traders. We want to promote a productive dialogue.

                                    Thank you.

                                  • #180657 Reply
                                    Christian Harris

                                      With all due respect, that’s not true. Only a small percentage of people want to be traders or investors, but they want to invest money in the markets. Learning to be consistently profitable takes a lot of time and patience.

                                      Copy trading can be very profitable if you choose the right platform and strategies to copy.

                                      In addition, like some other comments here, if you are new to trading, you can learn a lot from copying successful traders.

                                      When I started trading over five years ago, I learned a lot from strategy providers on multiple platforms (the good and the bad), which I believe has made me a better trader.

                                      One thing is clear, though. You will only get out what you put in.

                                    • #181466 Reply

                                        Well said Christian 👍

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