At what point do I throw in the towel?

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  • #179358 Reply

      I’ve been day trading for over a year now. Started off with about $10k, got it to 18k, then back to 10, then down to 8.5, then back to 9.8, then real bad, and I mean real bad, 3 months where I’m now hovering at about 1.2k.

      I don’t want to give up because I’ve spent so much time and effort trying to figure it out, but am I an idiot? Should I call it a day and try something else?

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    • Author
      • #179409 Reply

          Harry, day trading is not a piece of cake. No matter what people say and looks like you’ve learned that now. I’ve done it off and on for years now. I want to say it gets easier but there’s no magic bullet. She’s a non stop roller coaster.

          Keep your head up and no shame in throwing in the towel. At the very least why not take a break and see how you feel after? Done that myself.

          • #179504 Reply

              Thanks John. I reckon I’ll have to soon if something doesn’t give.

            • #191472 Reply

                @Harry how are you getting on my friend? Are you still trading or has the towel officially been thrown in?

            • #179476 Reply

                I can totally relate Harry, you’re not alone!

                Can I ask if you keep a trading journal? I find analysis of my trading decisions the best way to identify where I’m going wrong. Helps me keep a level head and take a step back.

                • #179503 Reply

                    Cheers man.

                    I did start off doing a journal but I must admit I sacked it off after a while. What one do you use?

                  • #179517 Reply

                      I use Swift Journal because they link with my MT4. It was pretty easy to set up and not that expense (I pay about $15 a month). I haven’t looked around recently to see if any cheaper mind you.

                  • #179518 Reply

                      NEVER throw in the towel! Adapt! Learn!

                    • #179659 Reply

                        A story as old as time lol. Swear I think about throwing in the towel at least once a week at the mo!

                      • #192021 Reply
                        Christian Harris

                          We’ve all been there, Harry.

                          Making mistakes is part of the learning process. The fact that you haven’t blown your account yet is a great achievement for a beginner trader.

                          The best thing you can do is walk away for a while (days or weeks) to reassess your strategy.

                          When you decide to come back, try trading with less risk.

                          Have you tried swing trading without leverage so you won’t have to worry about overnight fees? A few decent trades will help rebuild your confidence.

                          Remember. Day trading is the most difficult way to trade, and very few people succeed.

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