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The 'Magnificent Seven' are having their worst quarter since 2022, with Nvidia, Apple, and Google ea...

What’s the fastest way to turn $500 into $10k day trading? Do I use leverage and what do I trade?...

The greenback's strutting its stuff. The US dollar index just hit a three-week high, breaking the 1...

Buckle up, traders! 🎢 Trump's "Liberation Day" is coming in hot on April 2nd, and markets are ge...

Ripple just scored a monumental win in its four-year legal battle with the SEC, marking a pivotal mo...

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Hello I have spent most of my working life doing the odd bit of investing. This has mostly been in ...

Which platform is best for day trading: MT4 or MT5? I'm new to both. My understanding is MT5 is new...

What are the things people find most challenging about day trading full time. I want to go in with m...

hey, whas good? got any recs for buildin tradin resilience? like, mindset stuff? dont really care ab...

Hello everyone I've been investing over a longer horizon for years but getting more interested in s...

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Good morning. I'd like to know how people adjust their position sizes based on the volatility of the...

Anyone ere used these Tier1FX for algo trading? Are they good lads? I aint come across them before n...

Help a beginner out here. I have started learning that some currency pairs are correlated so they ba...

What’s the fastest way to turn $500 into $10k day trading? Do I use leverage and what do I trade?...

Hi, how do you guys find your go-to technical analysis tools? I’m getting overwhelmed by the sheer...